Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gaussian univariate functions: two useful features

Two interesting/useful features of Gaussian functions of a single variable:

  • the product of two Gaussian functions is still a Gaussian function
  • the convolution product of two Gaussian functions is still a Gaussian function with mean equal to the sum of the means and variance equal to the sum of the variances.
Proof of both properties .... still to come ... it's not so immediate ... but it's not too difficult !

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bash printf command

The printf command is very useful for formatting expressions in Bash.

printf -v VAR <format> <expression>

See more information at the URL

Friday, October 28, 2011

Matlab's graphical data tip precision

The graphical data tip in Matlab allows you to visualize the values of a point in a plot.
It comes with a certain decimal precision level already set as default (4 decimal digits).
You can change the default number of decimal digits.
See at the following Webpage,

(thanks to Daniel Halperin for the suggestion).

2017 update

The previous instructions are valid for Matlab R2014a and older versions.
For Matlab R2014b and newer version, follow the suggestions from the following threads:

Thanks to Michael Hirsch for pointing this out.

Monday, October 17, 2011

white spaces in strings built up by concatenating several substrings

In order to produce a string that contains white spaces, concatenating several different substring, use the [...] command and not Matlab's built-in function strcat(...).
The latter discards any white space contained in any substring.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

common properties for axes of different subplots/figures - linkaxes(...) Matlab built-in function

A useful bult-in function in Matlab is


It allows to link together the axes of different subplots or even figures such that one can set the axes properties once for all the subplots/figures.

See the manpage at

Friday, June 10, 2011

OpenSSH server on MS Windows 7 via Cygwin

I've been struggling in getting sshd work under Cygwin installed on MS Windows 7 (that I had unfortunately to get installed on my work laptop because that's the system used at my Institution).

Some important reference materials:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Save/Restart capabilities in ESyS-Particle

Here some links to threads on ESyS-Particle's repository about its capability of save/restart: