Thursday, June 12, 2014

Extract data from a Matlab plot

Very useful instructions about how to extract the data plotted in a figure saved as a Matlab figure (.fig format file), in order to be able to re-plot the data in a different way.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

7-Zip unavailable for 64-bit Cygwin

7-Zip is one of the most used programs for compression/decompression of files and archives.
p7zip is the porting of 7-Zip for GNU-Linux/POSIX-based systems.
It is not yet available for the 64-bit version of Cygwin.
In this post by Michael Hirsch, there are the instructions for running the 64-bit version of 7-Zip from the Cygwin terminal, which is of fundamental importance if you want to use 7-Zip in scripts for batch backing up of data.